Microsoft unveiled the Surface Pro 2 yesterday, revealing a refreshed version of the original Surface Pro, which was released last fall. Pre-orders for the laptop-tablet hybrid open today starting at $899, and the device launches on Oct. 22. We had a chance to get our hands on the Surface Pro 2 following its unveiling today in New York, and we had a chance to check it out.
The Surface Pro 2 works very well and looks great doing it. It may still be a hard sell for iPad or Android uses, but if you’re already in Microsoft’s world this is a great update. We got a chance to try out some awesome features and accessories including the impressive new Surface Docking Station, and even got a chance to play Portal 2 on one model using an Xbox 360 controller (amazing). We’re definitely looking forward to spending some more time with the Surface Pro 2 in the very near future.
The design itself is nearly identical to the original Surface Pro with the same sharp edges and heavy feel. The only real difference on the outside is an updated kickstand that now extends further back for a wider angle better suited for when you’re using the device on your lap. The improved 1080p display also looks great with 50 percent better color accuracy, while the inclusion of Intel’s Core i5 Haswell processor means the tablet runs faster than ever.
The redesigned Touch Cover 2 and Type Cover 2 also work exceptionally well, especially the new sensor-based backlighting. Unfortunately, Microsoft didn’t have any copies of the new Power Cover on hand for us to try out.
The Surface Pro comes equipped with a Intel Core i5 processor offering a 20 percent increase in speed as well as 60 percent more battery life over the current model. It also packs a 10.6-inch Full HD display, 4 or 8GB of RAM, and starts at 64GB with higher price points offering 128GB ($999), 256GB ($1,299), and 512GB ($1,799)